I am a versatile visual communications designer with over 16 years of professional experience. I enjoy a broad spectrum of design challenges and engaging people in activities and lifestyle choices that I feel passionate about: green spaces, nature conservancy, public transportation, and healthy, livable communities. Fueled by a desire to use my skills for even greater good, I completed a Master of Art in Sustainable Design from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in December 2014. 
Currently I am a senior graphic designer at Metro Transit, a rapidly growing transit system serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. I work on a diverse range of marketing and design projects to encourage the use of sustainable transportation options and to improve customer experiences. Prior to that, I was a graphic designer for 12 years at Three Rivers Park District, a local environmentally-focused park system in Minnesota. 
I have advocated for deeper design thinking and sustainability in the field of graphic design through my leadership within AIGA, the professional association for design. I recently served a two-year term as Associate Director of Sustainable Design for AIGA Minnesota, and chaired the 2013 AIGA (Re)design Awards, an international competition recognizing the importance and excellence of sustainable and socially-responsible graphic design.

Sustainability Statement
I strongly believe that designers have a responsibility to design sustainably. We must leverage our position in the trenches of design along with our expertise in problem solving to create better systems and products, communicate more meaningful information, influence sustainable behaviors, and engage in community building.
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