Bus stop improvement project
What originally started out as a brand update to Metro Transit's bus stop signs, morphed into a 2-year-long project to test and implement improved customer information at over 12,000 bus stops across the transit system.
Bus Stop signage improvements include:
- route numbers of buses serving the stop
- bus stop identification number which customers can use to get NexTrip real-time schedule information in a variety of ways
- general contact information and branding reinforcement
- stops with higher ridership also have detailed signs showing a basic map of where the route goes and a frequency chart
- stops served by a multitude of buses utilize the same sign but have a larger NexTrip decal and additional sign panels for route numbers
Shelter poster improvements include:
- better hierarchy of information
- addition of route maps
- information on how to get real-time schedule information
- basic contact and fare information
Systems thinking and design goals:
- determine the most important information needed by customers waiting at the bus stop
- improve customer experience and rider confidence by providing reassurances at the stop
- meet accessibility and readability for visually impaired (font size, sign mounting height, contrast, etc.)
- consider ongoing processes needed to create and maintain design files and sign inventory, and ensure information is always up to date and accurate
- consider costs to produce and maintain physical signs
My roles included creating draft designs, conducting user research with internal stakeholders and external customer focus groups, and working with vendors to determine the best materials.