Metro Transit encourages customers to "respect the ride"​​​​​​​
The intent of the Respect the Ride campaign was to address disrespectful behaviors happening on Metro Transit buses and trains that often lead to customer complaints. We knew right away that we wanted to keep the campaign light and fun as to not come off as scolding or reprimanding people. Our goal was to grab customers’ attention, perhaps make them smile, and remind them to “respect the ride.” To this end, I wanted the graphics to be bright and colorful, even cartoonish. I chose to use shapes because it allowed me to create a diverse set of characters that were gender and race-neutral, and allowed me to emphasize their emotions and actions in a playful way. I explored different viewpoints and facial expressions to create graphical "scenes" that could be understood even without supporting text.

The campaign was displayed throughout buses and trains, and supported with a social media campaign. The overall response was positive and even received some local press and awards, including:

An interview with a local blogger about my illustrations
MAGC Northern Lights Awards: Award of Merit in Graphic/Illustration
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